Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy St. Nikolas Day.

Sufjan Stevens has some new songs for his BQE film that came out in October. It is very conducive to writing papers and studying for final exams:

It's going to snow this week, which I'm actually okay with. As long as I don't have to ride my bike anywhere in it. Maude's skinny little roadie tires freak me out a little on questionable surfaces, like packed down snow. I named my bike Maude because she's spunky and incredibly fast and made in 1972; plus she looks like the kind of bike an old woman with skinny legs and one pant leg rolled up would ride. Today is a day in, to write write write write. And listen to music and drink coffee. I am listening to mewithoutYou, which is like inviting an old friend into your house, and you're overwhelmed with all the musty, familiar smells of time (like the smell of an old book), and the rain pattering against the window, and the warm light of a fire. Oh, and the taste of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, which are sitting in a tupperware right now because I made them a couple days ago.

Humble. I always hated that word when I was little, because I thought it sounded ugly, and there was this one Christian song where it's sung about a hundred times and I imagined a bumble bee walking down a dirt path with a knapsack over its shoulder. I think because "humble" sounds like "bumble," but who knows. Now I have such an aversion to the aesthetics of that word. But the meaning is so, so beautiful. It means your eyes are never on yourself, only on other people and on the beauty of God. It means you're just about oblivious to yourself. Humble people probably don't even own mirrors. And they're more beautiful than anyone, but that sweetness takes you by surprise, because when they're around you, what you notice first is the warm, enveloping feeling of being loved and taken care of, and of God's presence. I want to be like that. But thinking about it probably makes me less humble in the first place.

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
micah 6:8

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